Tuesday, September 1, 2015

August 31st - St. Petersburg, Russia

This was my fourth day here in St. Petersburg, so I decided to do something
different (plus, there were five other ships in port).

Started out with a visit to a local market selling fruit, vegetables,
cheese, flowers, breads, fish and meats. There were even vendors selling out
of the trunks in their cars.

Took a subway ride and visited a few subway stations, which according to the
guidebooks were intended by Stalin to be palaces for the people. I was
impressed by how clean they were, but otherwise, was underwhelmed. I took
the fastest and steepest escalator I have ever been on down to the train.

Loved the sail away, going through the gates at the entrance of the Baltic
Sea. When there are storms, these gates close to prevent water from surging
into the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg - pretty amazing.