On a sad note I have to report the death of "Snappy" the crab sometime
during the night. He could have been doing a little early St. Patty's Day
celebrating, got confused and fell in the pool, or perhaps it was discovered
he was English, or that he was too crabby, and he was pushed in. Maybe it
was not an accident, but murder in Moorea!!
Since no witnesses have come forward, to avoid a possible scandal and undue
pain and suffering by the family, authorities have decided to call it an
unfortunate accident and close the case.
Snappy is survived by many, too numerous to mention by name. A private
service was held in which
Snappy's remains were returned to the sea. In lieu of flowers, the family is
requesting donations to the Society of Hard/Soft Shell, an organization that
promotes understanding and tolerance between hard and soft shell crabs.
As if the morning was not traumatic enough, we had an incident with my
resident hen and her baby chicks. I heard them clucking and all aflutter. It
seems there was a cat lurking behind a bush. I shooed him away and they
finally calmed down. There will be no more death on my watch!
All five of the chicks are present and accounted for. I gave them extra
treats, they like crushed up milk bones (I bought milk bones for my
neighbors dogs).
Too much excitement for one day.