Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November 4th - Slawi Bay, Komodo Island, Indonesia

I was here last spring in the rainy season, and I could not believe how
different it looked now that it is the dry season. Where it was lush and
green last spring, the hills as you entered the bay were brown and dry

This is the land of the Komodo Dragon. This giant lizard looking creature is
definitely at the top of the food chain here. They do not even have to
bother killing their prey - they simply have to bite them and wait. Their
saliva is so nasty that the animal will die from the bacteria, and then the
dragons can have a feast. As if that is not enough, both the male and female
dragons are cannibalistic and will eat their young. This was the first time
that I was able to see one of the babies up in the trees, where they stay
for the first three years of their lives.

After the dragon encounter I headed over on a boat for some snorkeling at
Pink Beach, so named because of the pink sand here. The water was refreshing
(temps got over 100) and the snorkeling was great!